Did you think starting a blog only belongs to computer techs.?
Have you asked yourself what the heck you need to start a blog for?
Godamn it. Maybe I shouldn’t bother doing blogging. After all what do I gain from it?
I know these thoughts must have raced through your mind at one time. Worry no more. I am here to help. Nothing but help! Help you have a simplified understanding of the whole rocket science, or so you may think, about blogging. Remember I used to be a blog newbie too. I had the same worries. But good news is, I am no longer a stranger in this dynamic field. I blog for fun and money. Sounds good, huh? I do it on this platform MYEXPERTSHUB.COM free of charge. I mean it, no charges at all! No parting with even a cent. You can too. Take this very simple journey with me and you won’t regret wasting your time. Instead you will appreciate you did it.
Awesome. Let’s get started.
On to the preliminaries. The starting point.
Why the heck should you start your own blog anyway?
There are a number of reasons why you should start your own personal blog:
1. A platform to share your thoughts boldly without intimidation: It is only on your blog posts that you have all the freedom to speak your mind freely.
2. Fantastic way to connect to other and discuss issues: on the blog you can connect easily and effectively with the world given its interactive platform on which you receive feedback from your readers.
3. Self development and insights: Who doesn’t like doing something new and in a different way. Blogging gives one an opportunity to embrace technology in typography and improve on your content presentation skills.
4. The best reason is you can literally mint money from blogging. Through blogging you can generate income through various ways, advertisement, , tracking and many other ways. This remains a story for another day.
5 Steps on how to start your own blog.
1. Choose your blog platform.. This is where you want to build your blog. Examples are Blogger, Wordpress, Custom, Movable type, Drupal, Gawker, Blogsmith, Tumblr etc Wordpress is the best but you have to pay for web hosting. Google is second best but has strict rules. My advice would be to start with Blogger as your start your blogging journey.
2. Choose web hosting for your blog. Choosing the company that puts up your blogs on the internet for everyone else to see. Everything will be save there. You can choose hosted or non hosted platform. With hosted platforms you don’t have a domain of your own. Simple explanation of domain name was covered in my previous blog, My First Blog. The website’s URL will end with the blog host’s name e.g. wordpress.com, blogspot.com etc. In non-hosted platforms, you customize your web to what you want, e.g. myexpertshub.com. But you have to part with some money. You pay around $10-15 a year, depending on a hosting company.
3. Setting up your own blog: It includes opening up a website and writing blog post on your new website. This need dedication and designing on topics you want to cover in you blogs. There should be clear relation on the posts drawn from your niche. Stick to a given topic.
4. Designing your website: This involves making your website look the way you want it. Setting themes, appearance, layout, and other features.
5. Learning from bloggers and resource relevant: blogging is a journey by all virtues. Start slowly and increase the momentum steadily. You learn of new things every day. Embrace good things. Discard bad ones. You can do more research on the blogging topic and you will be amazed at how much good and insightful information you can gather. Feel free to contact me or ask for guidance on the comment section below.
Don’t miss out on my next post about 10 Tips on Blogging
Don’t miss out on my next post about 10 Tips on Blogging
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