Sunday, 28 November 2021


Photo: courtesy

I know you have been wondering which colour of honey to direct your hand to on the supermarket shelf or at any food store. Your struggle ends here. Many people have problem choosing between darker honey and light brown honey. Are you one.of them? I got you.

Before we continue, which one do you prefer and why?

Honey can be light, dark, or in between in colour. However, while honey is honey, there are some differences that you can point out when it comes to comparing light and dark honey with one another. That is what we are here to discuss here so that you can now  know which one is the better choice for you.

All kinds of honey, dark or light are produced by honey bees that harvest the nectar of certain flowers, break it down into sugar, and deposit it in a honeycomb, which is where humans can collect it.

Photo: courtesy

The properties of honey; its color, taste, aroma, thickness & texture, differ from one variety to another. This is because bees forage for nectar from different plants therefore honey harvested during different seasons or from different locations will never have the same properties. So what makes honey different in colour is where the bees get their nectar and the season in which this happens.

All types of honey, including dark honey, contain fructose, a type of sugar that is sweeter than sucrose (table sugar), so you can use less honey than you would sugar. You can add honey to things that you'd normally add sugar to, or use it as a sugar substitute in baking. We all know or have heard of honey's medicinal properties, haven't we? It can be used as meat preservative as well. Generally, honey is a natural sweetener with many health benefits. 

Dark honey

Photo: courtesy

Dark honey is a kind of honey that has a dark-brown or dark-amber color, in contrast to light honey, which is whitish or light amber in color. Different colors of honey come from different floral sources as the nectar of different plants can vary in color and/or taste hence making the honey that the bees produce using these various types of nectar darker. Certain flowers that bloom year-round and produce lighter or darker honey depending on the time of year.

Sweeter and Richer.

Dark honey usually has a more intense, pungent taste than light honey. Most darker varieties of honey contain a higher concentration of antioxidants and other powerful nutrient. Dark honey varieties contain high amounts of antioxidants which combat free radicals, which are molecules that damage body cells.

Storage and taste 

Taste of honey can also be affected by the container and care taken during storage.  Glass containers maintain the honey's original taste (if cleaned properly prior to filling).  Plastic and metal containers can leach chemicals into the honey and can alter the taste.

Ligher honey

Photo: courtesy

Light honey is usually the type of honey that is as close to the golden honey color that we often think about when we are thinking about honey. In many ways, this is what we call the “prototypical” honey because this is what most people think honey should be in terms of its color. Just like dark honey, its colour is derived from the properties of nectar used.

Uses of different colours of honey:

Of course, different types of honey are used for different purposes because they differ in flavor profile and color, which can affect the overall taste of the dish or drink you may want to use the honey for.

Darker honey is mostly preferred for medical supplementing. Light honey is often used for drinks and for baking because it comes with a sweetness that will not overpower what you are preparing. For example, it generally goes well with coffee or tea if you want to use it for drinks. Light honey also goes well with your early morning cereal because it has a style of sweetness that blends well with milk.

Plants producing:  Dark honey; ???

                                     Light Honey: ???

It can be quite difficult to completely pinpoint which plants produce dark honey, but there are some plants that are specifically used in select apiaries so that the beekeepers can produce darker or lighter variants of the honey. 

Sweetness of honey depending on plants

Arranged from sweetest to less sweet: Acacias, Sunflower, Eucalyptus, Citrus, alfafa, clover, cotton etc.

That is why Baringo honey is thought/ touted to be the Sweetest honey in East and Central Africa.

Technical Note: 

Substances which determine honey quality include pollen, water content, sugar content, proteins, enzymes, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, organics acids, solid particles, and free amino acids. Floral nectar is composed of varying types and levels of individual sugars, and depending on the mix and dominance of blossoms foraged on by the bees, the composition of honey (in terms of the relative balance of those sugars) will be unique to each honey type. The color of the honey is not typically an indicator of honey quality as honey can become darker during storage or if it is heated. 

The quality of honey can be determined through physicochemical analysis, melissopalynological analysis, and sensory analysis. These analyses provide useful information which can be used to verify authenticity of honey as well as its botanical and geographical origin. Among the quality parameters considered in honey trade are physicochemical parameters (moisture, Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), diastase activity, electrical conductivity, free acid, sugars, and water insoluble contents). Levels or values of these parameters in a honey indicate its quality.

Like our Page. Myexpertshub Agro-Consultants.

Reach us for bee keeping consultation or services, bee equipment sales. 0720091000

Sunday, 14 November 2021


Photo courtesy

Melliferous plants are those plant preferred by honey bees to get the nectar and pollen which they use to make honey and other bee products. The forage sources for honey bees are an important consideration for professional beekeepers.

Forest trees are important bee forage naturally and forests are essential for the survival of bees.

Remember No trees, no bees: no honey, no money.

Bees can travel to a max. of 4 km radius for nectar and pollen. Shorten the distance for them.

Conserving forest biodiversity is therefore important for beekeepers. The Forest trees native to Africa that are important for bees include among others:-

  1. Acacia species( nilotica, melifera etc)
  2. Calliandra species(Callindra callothyrsus)
  3. Azadirachta species( indica)
  4. Eucalyptus (almost all Eucalyptus sp)
  5. Dombeya species
  6. Combretum species
  7. Diospyrus species
  8. Julbernardia globiflora
  9. Pentaclethra macrophylla
  10. Vernonia amygdlina


There are commercially available and major sources of forage for bees to produce excellent honeys, and can flower all year round. The following are examples of such plants: 

  1. Sunflower (Helianthus spp.),
  2. Musa sp.(banana)
  3. Black berry (Rubus argutus), 
  4. Citrus (Citrus spp.) e.g. tangerine and orange, 
  5. Coffee (Coffee spp.)
  6. Clover (Trifolium incarnatum), 
  7. Cotton (Gossypium spp.), 
  8. Mango (Mangifera indica), 
  9. Cashew(Anacadinaceae), 
  10. Banana (Musa sp.), 
  11. Bottle brush(Calistamon spp)
  12. Passion fruit( Passiflora spp)

Bees forage on different flowers in different areas depending on what is available. Most plants flower only at certain times of the year but bees need food over many months, so a variety of plants must be available.

It is a good idea to identify which plants bees feed on in your area. It is then possible to plant flowering plants around apiaries to ensure the bees have adequate forage when they need it. Wild plants should be allowed to grow wherever there is space, including by the side of roads, near houses and in between fields.

Produce a flowering calendar listing the flowers that are available each month of the year.


Beeekeepers and farmers MUST ensure that there is sufficient year-round forage. This can ensure good, constant flows of honey and beehives will not abscond (leave the hive in search of better sources of forage). Bees prefer a constant temperature of 32 to 35 oC in their hives, so placing hives under trees or hunging in trees provides shade to avoid hives over-heating.

LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE, Myexpertshub Agro Consultants coz soon you will ONLY access such post on the page.

You can always reach us on 0720091000 for your beehives setting-up and management, or email


Source: National Bee Keeping Training and Extension Manual, 2012

Thursday, 9 September 2021


If you asked me, I would tell you that Landscaping is an art and a science at every length. Just like artist take time to come up with a sketch, draw the outline of a portrait, professional landscapers like us requires quite a bit a scientific knowledge. They also need to have some degree of artistry, or at least creativity coupled with science : Forestry, Botany, soils, or water conservation. This enable us step by step to infuse environmental conservation with an aesthetic element.

The Steps:

When you get referred to us, which we get mostly from clients whose projects we have implemented successful across the nation, or contact us directly,  we do this:

1. Reconnaissance/ Pre-visit:
We make arrangements to visit your site, to have an idea about the accessibility, site topography, soil type, vegetation around and take actual measure of the site features.

2. Planning:

This involves using the dimensions/measurements of compound or site  features previously taken during reconnaissance to come up with a flow, sketch of all the structures, existing trees, shrubs,houses, water ways, depression, fences, sewer lines all drawn to scale. Landscapers decide on which trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, patios, gazebos etc would fit the site to improve on its beauty. Here we consider soil and water conservation strategies and expertly match the right plants for the particular soil type and water need. (Xeriscaping)

3. 2-D Rendering/Designing

Using the sketch a Landscape Designer, using a computer software now puts all the flow plan details in soft file. Mostly in Pdf or jpeg format. The client is furnished with the 2D Design to give his or her suggestions. The changes are made and sent to the client again for final approval.

3. 3-D Rendering

At this point, still using a computer software, the designer now produces a true representative drawing/blueprint of how the fully landscaped site will look like. All the main buildings, gazebos, patios, driveways, walk paths, trees, shrubs, vines, creepers, climbers, flowers, grasses, fountains etc are represented on this final document.

4. Bill of Quantities Drawing/Quotation

The Landscapers in consultation with Civil Engineer, draw specific costing for each and every item needed to implement the project, taking into account labour and professional charges. The quotation is sent to the client to have his/her views, given option to choose which budget fits. After thorough deliberation final quotation is drawn.

5. Formal Contract Signing

We now enter into a legally binding agreement, with the client to implement the project at the agreed budget and durations.

6. Implementation

At this stage, following the quotation, all the requirements are procured, plants, flowers, grasses, marbles, slabs, etc and ground broken.

6. Maintenance

This is the care given to the site by the Landscaping Company after fully implementing the project for 3 to 4 months. This is optional. It is worth noting that this process can take at  least 1 week and at most 2 weeks, majorly depending on location. 

Reach Us for Quality and  Timely project delivery at an affordable rate.

 Phone: +254740537387/720091000

Sunday, 6 June 2021


You are out on a shopping spree or just for a stroll, and you stride into a beautiful space, pathway lined up with intricately kept lush and green lawn-mowed grass. Then suddenly, you are effortlessly soaked in the sights of pretty flowers with their inviting blossoms, an aromatic scent hits your nostrils, and pleasing twittering of happy birds fill you ears. This makes the outdoor relaxing and rejuvenating. There’s just something about the sunshine rays filtering through the leaves; dancing in the gentle breeze....  That all sound you hear, the beauty you take in, the cool air...that is as a result of a good landscaped yard.

So what is Landscaping?

Landscaping is the art and science involved in the process of making a garden or other piece of land more attractive by altering the existing design, adding ornamental features, and planting trees, shrubs, flowers and grass. Landscaping being an art and science, people who want to study it to become professional landscapers must then take horticulture, landscape design, botany and business as relevant courses.

Photo: courtesy

Research has it that 90 per cent of people spend their time indoor. However human are still fully drawn to nature. More often than never to a good landscape. 

There are quite a number of colleges and universities offering these courses in Kenya as well as outside.

Advantages of Landscaping:

1. Lifts mood, better health.

A nicely landscaped area has away of appealing to our eyes, soothing to our noses and improving a first impression of a place, and generating an unmatched feel-good mood in us.

2. Cooler Temperatures

Pathways bordering well manicured grass lawn is cooler than concrete slabs, cement and even bare soil. With grass radiating cooler temperatures all around your home or business by as much as 40 degree. More reasons to have your space landscaped is because tall trees positioned strategically in your compound provide shade during the hottest times of day and lower your temperatures by as much as 40 degrees? This lowers your air-conditioning needs.

3. Purifies Air

Did you know that grass and trees are hard at work every day capturing dust and smoke particles, removing carbon dioxide, and producing life-giving oxygen? In fact, a single tree can remove 12kg of carbon dioxide from the air every year; equivalent to sequestering car emission driven over 17, 702 kilometres

Photo: courtesy

4. Supply Air.

The trees shrubs and vines used in landscaping give out the oxygen that all your organs depend on to function properly. Are you aware that one tree can also supply enough oxygen for 4 people every day

5. Control Storm and Soil Erosion.

The tall trees planted at the boundary act as wind breakers. Without them the building would wrecked by strong winds and storms. When xeriscape is incorporated, water run-off are channelled into drainage trenches or soaked in lawns. The grown trees when cut selectively later or pruned can be source of heat energy/ fuel. Further, their roots  act as soil anchor, storm water runoff buffers, reducing the flow of sediments and pollutants to nearby bodies of water.

6. Reduced Use of Natural Resources

Xeriscaping is a landscaping method that requires little or no irrigation. Xeriscaped landscapes can reduce water use by 50-60% or more compared to regular landscapes. The technique also helps reduce noise pollution from operating watering or slashing  equipment.

7. Improved Quality of Life

The beauty characterizing urban and peri-urban green spaced are courtesy of landscaping. And this is what makes such places nice to live at or visit with loads of physical and psychological benefits. It is know  that just looking at plants reduces blood pressure. Walking through a natural environment, even in the middle of a city, improves attention and memory of such places just like a young man laying his eyes on a beautiful lass on the city streets.

8 Higher Economic Benefits

Did you know that businesses that have high-quality landscapes tend to be more successful? It’s true! Customers claim to spend more money on goods and services if the commercial building has a high-quality tree canopy; and shoppers say they’re willing to travel longer distances to shop in a district with better landscaping. They also say they stay longer once they arrive if the landscaping is peaceful.

9. Increased Property Value

Features like aesthetically pleasing water falls, cascades, pools, ponds, steams, etc placed in your landscape can add unique texture, natural sounds, and new wildlife to your property. Generally landscaped properties cost higher.

10. Conserved Environment

Let it not be forgotten that in Landscaping involve mostly planting pf suitable  beauty trees, shrubs, herbs and vine that contribute largely to mitigating climate change. These plant absorb greenhouse gases. They further release the air we breath in. Landscaping therefore is one key conservational practice.

Photo: courtesy

Disadvantages of Landscaping

1. Cost.

Landscaping is generally regarded as an expensive venture by many. When it is not always. Handling the work by yourself can save some coins but you may end up messing than mending. There are cost attached as water bills, equipment purchase, maintenance and repair costs. Paying for professional services, buying plants and chemicals and management cost.

2. Environmental impact

Introducing non-native plants can have adverse effects to local population. So mostly use indigenous species. Some plants can be  or diseased. Chemical used can be detrimental effects to the environment. Noise pollution by mowing equipment can not be overemphasized.


Your landscaping doesn't need to milk your pockets dry. You can always work in phases to achieve your end goal of a beautiful home, school, hospital, church, golf course, etc Get in touch with a professional landscaper like us to help you realize that your dream landscaping. We shall surely guide you through every stage. Reach us on or +254740537387


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